Book A Pre Purchase Inspection

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Gold Coast Pre Purchase Inspections

Our Building and Pest inspections are carried out by the owners of the business, NOT employees.

We will thoroughly inspect all accessible areas of the interior and exterior of the property, including all exposed timbers and skirting boards, wet areas, fences, retaining walls, trees and stumps, gardens and PHYSICALLY access roof voids and sub-floors.

We will identify –

  • If live termites exist at the property, or if previous termite attack has occurred.
  • If any major defects to the structure of the building exists.
  • If the property has or has had any previous termite management systems installed past or present.
  • If there are any safety hazards.
  • If there are any minor defects that may lead to major defects in the future.
  • If there are any areas that are conducive to future termite attack.
  • If the surrounding areas are subject to termite attack.

All reports are carried out as per Australian Standards and provided within 24 hours of the inspection. We also encourage the purchaser (you) to be present at the time of the inspection.

Our reports are easy to read and have photos detailing the problem that have been identified during the inspection.

We also offer solutions to any problems that arise and are happy to working with yourself, the seller and agent to negotiate rectification of the problem.

We use all the latest equipment above and beyond the industry standards such as – Tappers, probes, moisture detectors, motion detectors, thermal cameras and laser leveling.

Don’t let you dream home become your nightmare call us today for a booking before your building and pest clause has expired. We can usually conduct the inspections within 1-2 days of your request.